Historical Briar's Inn

Monday, May 26, 2008

Briar's Resort is situated just a few Kilometers south of Moss Vale.The village is filled with Antique shops, old book shops and coffee shops.

The R
esort is set on 15 acres of
landscaped gardens

This is the original Briar's Inn, which now is a restaurant and lounge Bar , it is opened to the public not only to patrons of the resort

Take a short walk from the resort you will discover a Native Sanctuary and this magnificent waterfall

More to come on this pretty Southern Highlands village and its surrounding area


Stacey said...

Oh Carol, it sounds lovely...
And the waterfall is magnigicent ;-D

Carol said...

As well as all the wonderful exercise , there is the added bonus of breathing in fresh country air..Stacey the photo doesn't come close to the magnificence of the waterfall..

shnaggy said...

hi carol
that's an awesome waterfall. but i guess the whole place is just as wonderful. sometimes we really need to take a breather...